The sun, giver of life: physical, psychic and spiritual. As early as 1937, the author had predicted that in the future, humanity would no longer use wood, coal or oil to produce energy, but that it would use only the sun's rays. In the future, he said, "it is thanks to the sun's energy that we... Ajouter à la liste d'envies Toward a Solar Civilization (eBook) Prix 6,49 €
Matter and substance of creation. Radiant light from the sun is a material phenomenon that physicists have studied very well. However, this sunlight is only the manifestation in the physical plane of the Cosmic Spirit by whom the universe was created. Light is actually a living, conscious,... Ajouter à la liste d'envies Light is a Living Spirit (eBook) Prix 6,49 €
Référence Ajouter à la liste d'envies The Splendour of Tiphareth - The Yoga of the Sun (eBook) Prix 14,99 €