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Education, psychology, happiness, love and sexuality, meditation, chakras, symbolism, spirituality, brotherhood ...
Waking up well, knowing how to feed and breathe consciously, the need for meditation and laughter, etc. : 12 tools at your disposal.
Specific subjects: love, colors, spirituality, the four sciences, cardinal feasts, the future, health, yogas ...
A new light on the functioning of our subtle bodies. An overview of the structure of the human being.
Interactive PDF catalogues with links pointing to the descriptive sheets of the references mentioned.
Education, psychology, happiness, love and sexuality, meditation, chakras, symbolism, spirituality, brotherhood ...
Waking up well, knowing how to feed and breathe consciously, the need for meditation and laughter, etc.
Specific subjects: love, colors, spirituality, the four sciences, cardinal feasts, the future, health, yogas ...
A new light on the functioning of our subtle bodies. An overview of the structure of the human being.
A deepening of spiritual practice by working through gymnastics, prayer and meditation
A deepening of spiritual practice by working through gymnastics, prayer and meditation
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