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Video Clips

Excerpts from unpublished lectures by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov and available on the official channel of Éditions Prosveta.

Prosveta YouTube

The spirit of man contains all power
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The spirit of man contains all power
True strength is found in the creator of all things, that is, in the spirit.
Everything is symbolic in nature
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Everything is symbolic in nature
I place a lot of emphasis on symbolic language because it is the most synthetic language.
Initiatic science sheds light on current society
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Initiatic science sheds light on current society
The question is not to stop material progress but to work in the inner domain.
Hell and Heaven exist in all of us
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Hell and Heaven exist in all of us
Heaven and hell are two forms of life found within ourselves.
The power of imagination
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The power of imagination
Learn to make things happen on the physical plane
It is on the earth that man’s evolution takes place
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It is on the earth that man’s evolution takes place
Since your crimes were committed on Earth, it is on Earth that you must make amends.
The presence of a being on Earth
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The presence of a being on Earth
We have to understand the conditions given to us for this existence.
How to understand death
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How to understand death
Death is only a true liberation for those who, during their stay on earth, have been able to [...]
Change the earth's psychic atmosphere
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Change the earth's psychic atmosphere
Like the atmosphere, human beings are also made up of several layers, or levels, on the [...]
How we can always be children
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How we can always be children
Whatever your age, and the knowledge, the experience you have acquired, you must find your [...]
Love and the sublimation of the sexual force
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Love and the sublimation of the sexual force
When a young boy and a young girl fell mutual attraction, what prevents them from mastering it?
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We must get into the habit of drawing conclusions from what happens to us each day in order to [...]
What is Meditation?
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What is Meditation?
To meditate is first and foremost to concentrate on a spiritual subject with the aim of [...]
Music helps humans to harmonise themselves
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Music helps humans to harmonise themselves
The whole universe sings, life is nothing but a song, a harmony; vibration is music.
How the stars teach us about peace
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How the stars teach us about peace
There is a wonderful exercise for finding peace: focusing on space, infinity, eternity while [...]
Vibration, Emanation, Radiation
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Vibration, Emanation, Radiation
Working at The Three Levels brings Perfection.