The solar plexus, reservoir of all energies

A source from which we can draw the strength we need

"Communicating with the universe"
Digital illustration generated and composed
© Editions Prosveta S.A.
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'You have often heard the saying that it is the heart that understands. But what heart are they referring to? People think it means the physical heart, the organ that pumps blood. No. The true heart, the heart according to the initiates, is the solar plexus. It is the solar plexus that feels, understands and grasps the great cosmic truths. The brain is capable only of arguing, writing, talking and bragging about its knowledge, without having any clear idea of reality.

The solar plexus governs all the functions of the physical body: respiration, elimination, circulation, nutrition and growth. And it is also by means of the solar plexus that humans can enter into a true communication with the universe, because the solar plexus is linked to the entire universe, and this is not the case for the brain. In actual fact, communication between the brain and the universe could be established, but the brain is not yet sufficiently developed, for it is of very recent formation. The solar plexus, on the other hand, was formed much longer ago, and it in turn formed and nourished the brain. The brain is the offspring of the solar plexus, and that is why it sends the brain sustenance and support; when it ceases to do so, a person becomes tired and sleepy, their head aches and they are unable to think clearly.

The solar plexus is a brain in reverse. In the brain, the grey matter is on the outside and the white matter on the inside, whereas in the solar plexus the grey matter is on the inside and the white matter on the outside. Also, I have already explained that it is the grey matter that enables us to think and the white matter that enables us to feel. Thanks to the white matter on the outside, the solar plexus feels all that goes on in a person and in each of his or her cells. And that is why it works ceaselessly to restore order, whereas the brain doesn’t even notice that anything is wrong until it has become very serious and everything grinds to a halt.

The solar plexus has an extraordinary pharmacy at its disposal that you cannot begin to imagine. And as it is in contact with all the organs of the body and all the cells, it knows what is going on and can intervene. So it is far better equipped than the brain.

But all of this has never been properly explained, even by medical science. The solar plexus contains living magnetism and when it is upset and the magnetism escapes, you feel that your strength has left you and that you are incapable either of action or of concentration.

On the other hand, if you are happy and calm you can feel your solar plexus at ease; you can feel something is flowing in it, like a spring. The solar plexus is the reservoir of our vital forces, the accumulator of all our energies, and if you know how to refill it every day you will have a source at hand from which to draw the energies you need at any moment.

And now, here is an exercise to do at sunrise: while you meditate on the light and warmth of the sun, put your right hand on your solar plexus. In this way you fill it with the forces and energies that will enable you to go on with your work without tiring.'

"The source of all forces"
Digital illustration generated and composed
© Editions Prosveta S.A.
(click to zoom)

"Communicating with the universe"
Digital illustration generated and composed
© Editions Prosveta S.A.
(click to zoom)

'You have often heard the saying that it is the heart that understands. But what heart are they referring to? People think it means the physical heart, the organ that pumps blood. No. The true heart, the heart according to the initiates, is the solar plexus. It is the solar plexus that feels, understands and grasps the great cosmic truths. The brain is capable only of arguing, writing, talking and bragging about its knowledge, without having any clear idea of reality.

The solar plexus governs all the functions of the physical body: respiration, elimination, circulation, nutrition and growth. And it is also by means of the solar plexus that humans can enter into a true communication with the universe, because the solar plexus is linked to the entire universe, and this is not the case for the brain. In actual fact, communication between the brain and the universe could be established, but the brain is not yet sufficiently developed, for it is of very recent formation.

The solar plexus, on the other hand, was formed much longer ago, and it in turn formed and nourished the brain. The brain is the offspring of the solar plexus, and that is why it sends the brain sustenance and support; when it ceases to do so, a person becomes tired and sleepy, their head aches and they are unable to think clearly.

The solar plexus is a brain in reverse. In the brain, the grey matter is on the outside and the white matter on the inside, whereas in the solar plexus the grey matter is on the inside and the white matter on the outside. Also, I have already explained that it is the grey matter that enables us to think and the white matter that enables us to feel. Thanks to the white matter on the outside, the solar plexus feels all that goes on in a person and in each of his or her cells. And that is why it works ceaselessly to restore order, whereas the brain doesn’t even notice that anything is wrong until it has become very serious and everything grinds to a halt.

The solar plexus has an extraordinary pharmacy at its disposal that you cannot begin to imagine. And as it is in contact with all the organs of the body and all the cells, it knows what is going on and can intervene. So it is far better equipped than the brain.

But all of this has never been properly explained, even by medical science. The solar plexus contains living magnetism and when it is upset and the magnetism escapes, you feel that your strength has left you and that you are incapable either of action or of concentration.

On the other hand, if you are happy and calm you can feel your solar plexus at ease; you can feel something is flowing in it, like a spring. The solar plexus is the reservoir of our vital forces, the accumulator of all our energies, and if you know how to refill it every day you will have a source at hand from which to draw the energies you need at any moment.

"The source of all forces"
Digital illustration generated and composed
© Editions Prosveta S.A.
(click to zoom)

And now, here is an exercise to do at sunrise: while you meditate on the light and warmth of the sun, put your right hand on your solar plexus. In this way you fill it with the forces and energies that will enable you to go on with your work without tiring.'

Text taken from the book "Toward a Solar Civilization", chap. 5 "The solar plexus".

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