'Thanks to these emanations, women are even able to form bodies of an etheric nature.'
'In the physical plane, obviously, the woman is weaker than the man; but the power of women is immense.
This power is found in a special magnetism that she possesses in the form of small particles escaping from it. It is not in the physical plane that the woman has the most power, but in the domain of etheric emanations, and if some men see in her a witch, a magician or a fairy. It is because of this magnetism given to her by nature.
Thanks to these emanations, women are even able to form bodies of an etheric nature.
So, if in several places in the world, women conscious of this power decided to work together on the idea of light, of love, of peace, of fraternity, they would form in the invisible a collective child who would influence all the consciences.'
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