Initiatic science sheds light on current society
Do not stop material progress but also work in the inner domain

'Have all the material facilities but day and night maintain tireless activity.'
'It is true that material and industrial progress makes a positive contribution to life. It is amazing how many appliances people have in their homes: heating systems, vacuum cleaners, washing machines and dish washers, televisions, telephones, etc. But why, when they have got everything, are human beings more discontented, rebellious and unhealthy than ever? What is even more astonishing is that, in spite of this obvious failure, people still continue to look for happiness in the same direction. They refuse to understand that, if they want to be happy, they must seek something quite different. They must seek love, wisdom and truth and be a little less sure that gadgets and comfort will give them all they want. The only things an easy, comfortable life can give you are sloth, selfishness and weakness; and the sad thing is that this is what people want: idleness and pleasure; to do nothing and have everything!
The question now is not to stop material and technical progress, but to be able to work also in the inner domain to maintain attention, prudence, address, mastery.
It is said in initiatic Science that, whatever he finds externally, man will never have fullness because fullness is only found in personal effort, the effort of the will, of intelligence , Imagination. And what do I advise? I advise you to have both: have all the material facilities you want and, at the same time, keep working, night and day, so as to avoid becoming stiff in mind and body.'