Finding your own place

‘Like a fish in water’

"Mandarin fish"
Digital generated and composed photography
© Editions Prosveta S.A.
(click to zoom)

«‘Like a fish in water’… You have heard this expression, which means one has found one’s element. Out of water a fish suffers; it struggles and suffocates, because its respiratory system only functions in water, not in air. So many human beings are like fish out of water!

Like the fish in water, the mole under ground, the bird in the air and the salamander (so they say) in the fire, every creature must find its right place.

And what is that place for human beings?It isn’t enough to find one’s place in a family, a country or a profession. If the heart, intellect, soul and spirit haven’t also found the place where they receive the nourishment they need, a person will always feel dissatisfied. But under the pressure of certain circumstances, your heart may lose its warmth, your intellect may become clouded, your soul constricted and your spirit paralysed. When that happens, the only solution is to make a move so as to give each of your faculties the conditions needed for its unfolding, and this change in location is called reflection, meditation, prayer, contemplation or identification.

Of course making a move is something many people know how to do spontaneously. When they feel irritable or on the verge of losing their temper, they leave the house, saying they are going to ‘take a walk’ or ‘get some air’. Others, if they have the means, will go travelling for a change of climate.

Of course there are events in life that plunge you into such turmoil and suffering that it is impossible to overcome them quickly. But so often you allow yourself to be troubled or overwhelmed by minor setbacks that could be so easily forgotten! Occasionally, you don’t know why you feel sad or out of sorts, and in that case you must do everything you can to rid yourself of these states that affect your mood and behaviour. In such a situation, making a move can simply mean consciously washing your hands while concentrating on a word: light… harmony… beauty… love… and then passing your hands over your head and ears and washing them again. Do this several times if necessary. You will feel unburdened, for everything that was weighing you down will have left through the tips of your fingers.

And if we must learn how to move, we must also know how to stay still. When you feel celestial currents moving through you, when you are visited by friends from the divine world, which can happen at any time, try to remain still for a few moments and allow yourself to be permeated by these currents and presences.

Now you understand how vast this question of place is, for it isn’t limited to the social realm but embraces the whole of existence.'

"The water fairy"
Digital illustration generated and composed
© Editions Prosveta S.A.
(click to zoom)

"Mandarin fish"
Digital generated and composed photography
© Editions Prosveta S.A.
(click to zoom)

«‘Like a fish in water’… You have heard this expression, which means one has found one’s element. Out of water a fish suffers; it struggles and suffocates, because its respiratory system only functions in water, not in air. So many human beings are like fish out of water!

Like the fish in water, the mole under ground, the bird in the air and the salamander (so they say) in the fire, every creature must find its right place.

And what is that place for human beings?It isn’t enough to find one’s place in a family, a country or a profession.

If the heart, intellect, soul and spirit haven’t also found the place where they receive the nourishment they need, a person will always feel dissatisfied. But under the pressure of certain circumstances, your heart may lose its warmth, your intellect may become clouded, your soul constricted and your spirit paralysed. When that happens, the only solution is to make a move so as to give each of your faculties the conditions needed for its unfolding, and this change in location is called reflection, meditation, prayer, contemplation or identification.

Of course making a move is something many people know how to do spontaneously. When they feel irritable or on the verge of losing their temper, they leave the house, saying they are going to ‘take a walk’ or ‘get some air’. Others, if they have the means, will go travelling for a change of climate.

Of course there are events in life that plunge you into such turmoil and suffering that it is impossible to overcome them quickly. But so often you allow yourself to be troubled or overwhelmed by minor setbacks that could be so easily forgotten! Occasionally, you don’t know why you feel sad or out of sorts, and in that case you must do everything you can to rid yourself of these states that affect your mood and behaviour. In such a situation, making a move can simply mean consciously washing your hands while concentrating on a word: light… harmony… beauty… love… and then passing your hands over your head and ears and washing them again.

"The water fairy"
Digital illustration generated and composed
© Editions Prosveta S.A.
(click to zoom)

Do this several times if necessary. You will feel unburdened, for everything that was weighing you down will have left through the tips of your fingers.

And if we must learn how to move, we must also know how to stay still. When you feel celestial currents moving through you, when you are visited by friends from the divine world, which can happen at any time, try to remain still for a few moments and allow yourself to be permeated by these currents and presences.

Now you understand how vast this question of place is, for it isn’t limited to the social realm but embraces the whole of existence.'

Text taken from the book "The Wellsprings of Eternal Joy", chap. 6 "Like a fish in water".

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