About vegetarianism

Fruits and vegetables are a condensation of light

"As a good companion"
Digital photography generated and composed
© Editions Prosveta S.A.
(click to zoom)

'All creatures, whether animal or human being, are attracted by one kind of food rather than another, and the choice they make is always very significant. The great flesh-eating animals, fearsome beasts that smell very strong, whereas the herbivorous animals are usually much less ferocious. Their food does not make them violent or aggressive, but the flesh eaten by carnivores is an irritant. Similarly, human beings who eat meat are more inclined to engage in brutal, destructive activity.

The difference between flesh foods and veget­arian foods lies in the relative amount of sunlight they contain. Fruit and vegetables are so steeped in sunlight that one could say they are a condensed form of light.

When you eat a fruit or a vegetable, therefore, you are absorbing rays of sunlight, and light leaves very little waste. Whereas meat has only a low content of sunlight. This is why it decays so quickly, and anything that decays quickly is very injurious to health.

But the harmfulness of meat has yet another origin. When animals are being led to the slaugh­terhouse they sense where they are going and what is going to happen to them, and they are mortally afraid, terrified. Their terror disrupts the proper functioning of certain glands which then start to secrete toxic substances, and there is no way of eliminating these toxins from the flesh of the animal.

In addition, you must realise that everything we eat is like an antenna within us which picks up certain specific wave-lengths. Meat tunes us in to the astral world, in the lower regions of which teem countless beings, all devouring and preying on each other like wild beasts.

Finally, anyone who takes the life of an animal is assuming a very heavy responsibility; it is a violation of the commandment, ‘You shall not kill.’ When human beings kill animals for food they are not only depriving them of life, they are also depriving them of the possibilities for evolution which nature had given them in this life. This is why, on the invisible plane, each human being is accompanied by the souls of all the animals whose flesh he has eaten.

Although the animal soul is not the same as that of human beings, animals do have souls and those who eat the flesh of an animal are obliged to put up with the presence of its soul within them.

As far as fish are concerned the question is quite different. For millions of years, fish have lived in conditions unfavourable to their evolution. This becomes obvious when one studies the structure of their organism: their nervous system is still extremely rudimentary. It is permissible, therefore, to eat fish, for this allows them to evolve. Also, they contain an element which is specially adapted to this era, and that is iodine.'

"Fish market in Mumbai"
Digital painting generated and composed
© Editions Prosveta S.A.
(click to zoom)

"As a good companion"
Digital photography generated and composed
© Editions Prosveta S.A.
(click to zoom)

'All creatures, whether animal or human being, are attracted by one kind of food rather than another, and the choice they make is always very significant. The great flesh-eating animals, fearsome beasts that smell very strong, whereas the herbivorous animals are usually much less ferocious. Their food does not make them violent or aggressive, but the flesh eaten by carnivores is an irritant. Similarly, human beings who eat meat are more inclined to engage in brutal, destructive activity.

The difference between flesh foods and veget­arian foods lies in the relative amount of sunlight they contain. Fruit and vegetables are so steeped in sunlight that one could say they are a condensed form of light.

When you eat a fruit or a vegetable, therefore, you are absorbing rays of sunlight, and light leaves very little waste. Whereas meat has only a low content of sunlight. This is why it decays so quickly, and anything that decays quickly is very injurious to health.

But the harmfulness of meat has yet another origin. When animals are being led to the slaugh­terhouse they sense where they are going and what is going to happen to them, and they are mortally afraid, terrified. Their terror disrupts the proper functioning of certain glands which then start to secrete toxic substances, and there is no way of eliminating these toxins from the flesh of the animal.

In addition, you must realise that everything we eat is like an antenna within us which picks up certain specific wave-lengths. Meat tunes us in to the astral world, in the lower regions of which teem countless beings, all devouring and preying on each other like wild beasts.

Finally, anyone who takes the life of an animal is assuming a very heavy responsibility; it is a violation of the commandment, ‘You shall not kill.’ When human beings kill animals for food they are not only depriving them of life, they are also depriving them of the possibilities for evolution which nature had given them in this life. This is why, on the invisible plane, each human being is accompanied by the souls of all the animals whose flesh he has eaten.

"Fish market in Mumbai"
Digital painting generated and composed
© Editions Prosveta S.A.
(click to zoom)

Although the animal soul is not the same as that of human beings, animals do have souls and those who eat the flesh of an animal are obliged to put up with the presence of its soul within them.

As far as fish are concerned the question is quite different. For millions of years, fish have lived in conditions unfavourable to their evolution. This becomes obvious when one studies the structure of their organism: their nervous system is still extremely rudimentary. It is permissible, therefore, to eat fish, for this allows them to evolve. Also, they contain an element which is specially adapted to this era, and that is iodine.'

Text taken from the book "The Yoga of Nutrition", chap. 5 "Vegetarianism".

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