The Akasha Chronica: the Cosmic archives
2019 Themes
The Akasha Chronica: the Cosmic archives
The cosmic archives conserve the bodily form people had during their lives, sometimes even [...]
Being patient like Saturn
2019 Themes
Being patient like Saturn
When someone is patient, it proves that they have hidden knowledge. There are beings who come [...]
2019 Themes
Meditation Themes
2019 Themes
The child: everything is recorded in him, Let the dead live in peace, Prana, elixir of life...
To be born of the universal soul
2018 Themes
To be born of the universal soul
The Child Jesus is not born of the intellect and the spirit, but of the universal Soul, which [...]
Life is a continuity
2018 Themes
Life is a continuity
Really there is only continuous life. We have to get used to seeing life as a continuity.
Autumn and the work of the subconscious mind
2018 Themes
Autumn and the work of the subconscious mind
The first creature, the origin, the beginning of everything, was light. Light is Christ and [...]
The Word, spirit of the Sun
2018 Themes
The Word, spirit of the Sun
The first creature, the origin, the beginning of everything, was light. Light is Christ and [...]
Full Consciousness Nutrition
2018 Themes
Full Consciousness Nutrition
Nutrition is of prime importance: an exchange not only with the more material but also with [...]
Love is the only thing that can make you happy
2018 Themes
Love is the only thing that can make you happy
Love is the only thing that can make you happy. Whatever else you offer your heart it will [...]
Music, an awakening force
2018 Themes
Music, an awakening force
Music is a force. Each sound, each vibration triggers a movement in space and releases certain [...]
Pentecost: carrying within us a divine spark
2018 Themes
Pentecost: carrying within us a divine spark
The Holy Spirit is within us, but also, in the form of a spark, a quintessence, is the Christ, [...]
To open the graves of our cells
2018 Themes
To open the graves of our cells
Those who have a great deal of love in their hearts, a love free of self-interest, a spiritual [...]
Exposure to the rays of spiritual sunshine
2018 Themes
Exposure to the rays of spiritual sunshine
So, expose yourself every morning to the sun’s rays. You will become a garden full of lovely f [...]
In order to face the inner winters
2018 Themes
In order to face the inner winters
Winter is a difficult season, but if we have enough fuel to keep us warm we get through it all [...]
The first twelve days of the year
2018 Themes
The first twelve days of the year
The birth of a new year is like the birth of a child: it is the beginning of a life that will [...]
2018 Themes
Meditation Themes
2018 Themes
Existence is a continuity, Autumn and the work of the subconscious, Feeding in full consciousness...
The birth of the Christ-principle
2017 Themes
The birth of the Christ-principle
The Christ-principle, the light and warmth that is destined to transform all creatures, is [...]
Waves that affect the souls of discarnate beings
2017 Themes
Waves that affect the souls of discarnate beings
What really help people in the other world are the virtues they themselves have practised [...]
The teaching of Libra
2017 Themes
The teaching of Libra
Libra, the Scales of the zodiac, is a reflection of cosmic balance, of the equilibrium between [...]
Saint-Michael: to cut the ties
2017 Themes
Saint-Michael: to cut the ties
In autumn the archangel Michael comes to separate the fruit from the tree, just as he also [...]
Hope, faith and love
2017 Themes
Hope, faith and love
Hope, faith and love are therefore the only forces that make it possible for us to go through [...]
The subterranean forces of summer
2017 Themes
The subterranean forces of summer
In certain traditions summer is symbolized by a dragon with flames belching from its open jaws.
Pentecost, the descent of the celestial fire
2017 Themes
Pentecost, the descent of the celestial fire
We should remember to unite our souls and spirits to the celestial fire which is love, [...]
The Ascension: a return to the Light
2017 Themes
The Ascension: a return to the Light
This ascending movement has already begun, the heavenly currents are gradually gaining strength...
Easter, the feast of resurrection
2017 Themes
Easter, the feast of resurrection
'Jesus said, ‘I am the resurrection and the life.’
2017 Themes
Meditation Themes
2017 Themes
What the Libra of the Zodiac teaches us, The underground forces of summer, The great spring...
The Synoptic Table
The synoptic table is a new insight into the functioning of our subtle bodies, from the [...]
Physical body
The Synoptic Table
Physical body
The ideal of the physical body is health. To get health he needs to be nourished. To obtain [...]
The Synoptic Table
The will has for ideal the movement, it needs to move forward, to act on things, the [...]
The Synoptic Table
The ideal of the heart is warmth. This warmth which dilates and makes happy. The nourishment [...]
The Synoptic Table
The goal of the intellect is light, knowledge. Its food is thought. In order to purchase [...]
The Synoptic Table
The ideal of the soul is space, immensity. The human soul is a tiny fragment of the universal [...]
The Synoptic Table
The ideal of the spirit is eternity. Just as the soul aspires to the infinite space, the [...]
Regenerate to regenerate the world
Specific Themes
Regenerate to regenerate the world
Taking the sun as a model is a useful practice to do in the morning at sunrise because it sends lumi
Bible and Gospels in the Light of the Initiatic Science
Specific Themes
Bible and Gospels in the Light of the Initiatic Science
‘Your kingdom come...’ From this we see that the kingdom of God does exist and that it has its [...]
Working with Light
Specific Themes
Working with Light
The meaning of spiritual work is to discover this primordial light and to have only desires [...]
Create the Future
Specific Themes
Create the Future
A human being can neither erase the past or change the present, but he has the power to create
The Powers of Women
Specific Themes
The Powers of Women
The powers of a woman is immense because is found in a special magnetism that she possesses
The four Sciences
Specific Themes
The four Sciences
In the smallest acts of your daily life, you can find correspondences with Alchemy, Astrology, Magic
The Yoga: be united with the Divinity
Specific Themes
The Yoga: be united with the Divinity
The yogis of India have numerous practices for attempting to become one with the divine in [...]
The Feast of Christmas
Specific Themes
The Feast of Christmas
We cannot deny the historical significance of the birth of Jesus, but it is the cosmic and [...]
The human being, from the infinitely small to the infinitely large
Specific Themes
The human being, from the infinitely small to the infinitely large
You look for God… But God is infinitely great, and you will not manage to reach Him if you do n [...]
Love your Health
Specific Themes
Love your Health
Health is one of the major concerns of human beings, but at the same time one is obliged to [...]
Fire, Water, Air and Earth: an entrance in the Zodiacal year
Specific Themes
Fire, Water, Air and Earth: an entrance in the Zodiacal year
Eating, drinking, washing, breathing, receiving light and heat from the sun are opportunities [...]
Meditation: diving into the ocean of cosmic life
Specific Themes
Meditation: diving into the ocean of cosmic life
Never forget that it is by your meditations that you allow your inner Self to express itself [...]
The beginning of a New Year
Specific Themes
The beginning of a New Year
The Cabbalah tells us that the new year is influenced by the stars. The birth of a new year is [...]
The masculine and the feminine
Specific Themes
The masculine and the feminine
The whole of creation is the result of the concerted work of the masculine and feminine principles.
How to understand death
Video Clips
How to understand death
Death is only a true liberation for those who, during their stay on earth, have been able to [...]
Change the earth's psychic atmosphere
Video Clips
Change the earth's psychic atmosphere
Like the atmosphere, human beings are also made up of several layers, or levels, on the [...]
How we can always be children
Video Clips
How we can always be children
Whatever your age, and the knowledge, the experience you have acquired, you must find your [...]
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