Songs of the Fraternité Blanche Universelle - 4-part choir (MP3)

Ref: TCCD1510

Duration CD1: 52'23" - Duration CD2: 49'32" - 4-voice choir - 53 mystical chants in the Bulgarian language composed by Master Peter Deunov

Language: Anglais

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Peter Deunov, born in Bulgaria in 1864, is the founder of the Universal White Brotherhood of which he was the Master until his death in 1944. From a medical training, he was also a musician: he played the violin. Over the years he has composed music for his disciples to support and enrich their spiritual work.

By coming to France, Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov brought this music which he helped to make known. The harmonizations of the songs presented in these CDs were made by some of his disciples.

CD 1

1. Az moga da lloubia
2. Bog é lioubov
3. Izgréva slăncéto
4. Bé niakoga
5. Moga da kaja
6. Pri vsičkité ousloviia
7. Evéra
8. I skačam az
9. Svétăl den
10. Malkiiat izvor
11. Krassiv é jivota
12. Proletna pessen
13. Véčer, soutrin
14. Aoum
15. Otčé nach
16. Bojiata lioubov mé ozari
17. Napred za slava !
18. Idé, idé, idé.
19. Blagoslaviaï, douché moïa, gospoda
20. Douh. At boji
21. Blagosloven gospod bog nach
22. V'načalo bé slovoto 23. V'zorité na jivota
24. Moussala
25. Slăncéto na lioubovta
26. Koï na ranina
27. Sladko médéno

CD 2

1. Blaga douma na oustata
2. Misli
3. Az chté sé podmladia
4. Fir-fur-fen
5. Sărdečniiat zov
6. Bratstvo, édinstvo
7. Gréïé, gréïé
8. Niï smé slaveïčéta gorski
9. Sila, zdravé, jivot
10. Da imach véra
11. Déniat idé
12. Da bih. Té slouchal
13. Kaji ml ti istinata
14. Pessen na zorata
15. Stani
16. Sila, zdravé é bogatstvo
17. Tăgui skărbi
18. Véh. Adi
19. Vdă h. Novénié
20. Chté sé razvessélia
21. Voyelles
22. Izgreï ti, moé slăncé
23. Napred da h. Odim smélo
24. Pravda
25. Ranen čas
26. Hymne à la fraternité


Data sheet

Langue Anglais
Informations Duration CD1: 52'23" - Duration CD2: 49'32" - 4-voice choir - 53 mystical chants in the Bulgarian language composed by Master Peter Deunov