Man's Two Natures, Human and Divine (eBook)

Learn to discern where our impulses come from

Ref: TCP213AN

ISBN: 9782818402566

Language: Anglais

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Evolution has placed human beings on the frontiers of the animal world and the higher world, considered divine. This situation is thus at the origin of the ambiguity of our nature, double, at the same time lower and higher. Complementary as spirit and matter are, these two natures should help us develop harmoniously: by learning to dominate the first and by working to awaken the second.

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1 - Human Nature or Animal Nature?
2 - The Lower Self is a Reflection
3 - Man's True Identity
4 - Methods of Escape
5 - The Sun Symbolizes the Divine Nature
6 - Put the Personality to Work
7 - Perfection Comes with the Higher Self
8 - The Silent Voice of the Higher Self
9 - Only by Serving the Divine Nature
10 - Address the Higher Self in Others
11 - Man's Return to God, the Victory

'The majority of human beings belong to the group without light. They talk about rediscovering Nature and obeying the natural laws, but which nature are they talking about? There are two natures in man, one lower, one higher. People think they are obeying Nature when in fact they are doing something exactly opposite to their higher Nature, whereas others concentrate on their divine Nature and do everything in their power to subjugate and restrict the impulses of their human nature. Confusion reigns in people’s minds and that is why it is so important to make them realize that a higher Nature exists in them, which expresses itself quite differently from the human nature they inherited from the animal kingdom.'


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Langue Anglais

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