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Happiness (eBook)

Ref: TCF03AN

ISBN: 9782818400555

Language: Anglais

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The themes presented in these extracts are developed in the following books from the Izvor Collection:
P211AN: Freedom, the Spirit Triumphant
P213AN: Man’s Two Natures: Human and Divine
P221AN: True Alchemy or the Quest for Perfection
P231AN - The Seeds of Happiness
P233AN: Youth: Creators of the Future.

Digital book available in 3 formats: 

PDF ePub Amazon Kindle

- Take charge of your own happiness
- Accept your trials as a challenge
- Make the most of your spiritual wealth
- Do not burden others
- Lighten the psychic atmosphere
- Face up to discouragement
- Turn on all your lights
- A timely gesture
- Give in order to be rich
- The aura is our best protection
- Solitude does not exist
- Live poetically
- The magical power of gratitude
- Recapture your moments of bliss

“It is in our own minds that adjustments need to be made. It is our thoughts that influence our state of mind. If we reason correctly and have a good outlook, a good philosophy of life, we can take charge of our own happiness. In circumstances in which others become irritated, tormenting themselves and poisoning the life of those around them, you can do the exact opposite. You can strengthen and enrich yourself. Gradually, thanks to your experiences, you will be in a position to advise or help others simply by your attitude and your radiant presence, by the power, light, and peace which emanate from you. Be very clear about this: you must not wait passively for happiness to come to you from without. On the contrary; it is up to you to be active and to apply the methods that will enable you to change your sorrows into joy and your failures into success.”


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Langue Anglais

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