Freeing oneself
From one influence by attaching oneself to its opposite
September 3rd 2013
Do you feel tormented by a passion or by a relationship and want to free yourself from it? You can’t do it just by deciding to. The solution is to seek to become attached to another activity or person with a completely different nature or character from the one that has a hold over you. Make them your ally; they will act as a beneficial power, helping you to free yourself from your torment. But you should realize that absolute freedom does not exist; the law of attraction governs everything. Whatever we do, we will always be ‘attached’, and that is where we have to be clear-headed and watchful.
If you want to free yourself from darkness, you have to work with light, because only light has the right chemical or, if you prefer, physical properties to dispel darkness. And when you are able to connect to the light, it holds you in its field of attraction; you can no longer leave it, and the evil connections are severed.