Love, brotherly
An exercise for developing it
December 6th 2012
Those who have a great deal of love in their heart are happy with everyone. Yes, they find qualities and riches in everyone, and they notice failings only in themselves. But, generally, the opposite tends to happen. Instead of thinking, ‘If I find other people so difficult to bear, it is because I lack love, and wisdom too’, people go around telling everyone the stupid or nasty things so-and-so said. But what do they think there is to gain by behaving in this way? Whenever someone is beginning to irritate you, it is more useful to look for something in them that will enable you to appreciate them.
You will say that what I am asking of you here is really difficult. Well, yes, it is difficult, but what can you hope to achieve if you seek only what is easy? The only way to overcome difficulties is not to keep chewing them over, but to understand all there is to gain by seeking to live together as brothers and sisters.