Entities, dark

Having conquered the inner ones, we are stronger when confronting the outer ones

August 11th 2012
Our weaknesses as well as our virtues are living entities that have taken up residence in us. As we make efforts to progress, the dark entities are forced to leave us, for our inner atmosphere becomes unbreathable for them. They cannot bear the purity and light we are seeking to bring in, and they take flight. But once out, they find a new home by entering other people, and they then try to harm us through them. You will say, ‘But what is the point of chasing the entities away if they are to continue pursuing us?’ The fact is, they cause us less harm than when they made us their home. And having conquered our inner enemies, we are stronger and can conquer the outer ones. Will we ever be able to rid ourselves of them permanently? No, because as long as we are on the earth we will meet with difficulties and with opponents.