Adam and eve

They are symbols

November 5th 2025
It is said in Genesis, ‘God created humans in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.’ According to the Zohar, this means that God created Adam, primordial man, as male and female, in other words, having both principles. You may ask, ‘But what about Eve? It is written that then God created Eve.’ Yes, God drew the feminine principle from the masculine principle. He objectified her before Him. This is the meaning of the image that has preoccupied so many theologians: God fashioning Eve from one of Adam’s ribs.
Adam and Eve are not a man and a woman. They are symbols. Adam is the masculine principle who begat Eve, the feminine principle. And what does this mean? That the first principle emerged from its state of extreme subtleness in order to condense, and in so doing it created another principle, Eve. If it is said in Genesis that Adam was created before Eve, it is because Moses, who was an Initiate, knew that the masculine principle always manifests first. It comes first because it is the creative principle: it is the basis of creation and consequently, also the basis of all matter. Matter is a product of the spirit, which Moses describes by means of an image: Eve drawn from one of Adam’s ribs.*
* Related reading: