Archangel michael

He will be the one to overcome the dragon at the end of time

September 29th 2025
In the Old Testament, Michael is the archangel of every victory over evil. In the New Testament, particularly in Revelation, it is said that he will be the one to overcome the dragon at the end of time.
An old tradition says that when Moses was dying, the devil tried to get hold of his body, and it was the archangel Michael who fought to wrest it from him. Many paintings and icons also depict Michael with a pair of scales in which he weighs the actions of human beings after death. On one side are their bad deeds and on the other their good deeds. Meanwhile, the devil looks on, lying in wait to drag the sinner down to his kingdom of hell, and gnashing his teeth in fury as he sees Michael adding one last good deed that tips the scales on the side of good.
The feast of St-Michael coincides with the entrance of the sun into the constellation of Libra. It is autumn, the harvest season: the fruits are gathered in, the bad ones are thrown away, and the good ones are kept. ‘You will know a man by his fruits,’ said Jesus. In a sense, you can say that every harvest is a form of judgement.*
* Related reading: