
They may actually be friends bearing gifts

September 14th 2025
We regard everything that disturbs us as an enemy. Well, let us take a closer look at that enemy. To primitive man, fire was an enemy. Lightning, water, the wind, the earth, animals, all the forces of nature were the enemies of mankind, and those who struggled against them became exhausted or died in the struggle. Then, over time, human beings began to tame these forces and discovered how useful they could be.
What humans have understood about the elements can also be applied to other manifestations of life, on the psychic plane for example. Instead of running away from the impulses that disturb you—sensuality, anger, vanity, jealousy, and so on—observe them, explore the regions they come from and find out what they contain. The courage and spirit of initiative that allow you to do this will lead you to see that these forces of nature that you thought were enemies are really friends bearing gifts. A time is approaching when human beings will have a different attitude towards their instincts and inferior tendencies; new educational methods will free them from all their inner limitations.