
They are never really defeated by ordinary methods

June 3rd 2025
If you conquer your enemies by using ordinary methods such as violence, cunning, the power of money, and so forth, be aware that this victory will never last. Your enemies are never really defeated by such means, because they will always bear a grudge against you and will make trouble for you again, if not in this incarnation, then in the next.
Even supposing you do manage to eliminate your enemy, you will have only disposed of their physical body. In reality, you can never exterminate a living being, because their soul is immortal; they will continue to hate you and seek revenge from the other side. So the battle rages on, it never ends. Everyone is mistaken, entire countries are mistaken, in believing that they can wipe out their enemies with arms, spies or political intrigue. One country may succeed in neutralizing another for a short time, but sooner or later the latter will have its revenge. So other methods need to be found.*
* Related reading: