Earth’s atmosphere
Work to fill it with pure and luminous thoughts
April 16th 2025
Most human beings, living as they do without light or love or awareness of their responsibilities, spend their time spewing out such foul, toxic thoughts and feelings that the earth’s atmosphere resembles a swamp swarming with all kinds of critters that pollute this stagnant water with their waste and excrement, which everyone else is then forced to absorb. Yes, this is the sad truth: a city is nothing but a swamp into which human beings dump all their anguish, envy, hatred and unfulfilled desires. If they were the least bit clairvoyant, they would see horrible, black, slimy forms emanating from a host of creatures, and accumulating in the layers of the atmosphere. But even if you cannot actually see these things, it is impossible not to sense something thick, leaden and dark hanging over a town at times.
What we need to do now is to become conscious of the psychic atmosphere. If each individual took care to produce less toxic emanations and worked instead to fill the atmosphere with pure, luminous and beneficial thoughts, all these purifying waves would be a blessing for the whole of humanity. For, nothing stays in one place; everything flows and spreads.
What we need to do now is to become conscious of the psychic atmosphere. If each individual took care to produce less toxic emanations and worked instead to fill the atmosphere with pure, luminous and beneficial thoughts, all these purifying waves would be a blessing for the whole of humanity. For, nothing stays in one place; everything flows and spreads.
Daily Meditations 2025 (eBook)