
It will one day become luminous and crystal clear

February 27th 2025
How can we transform the earth? By eating it! Yes, that is the reason we eat. Have you ever thought about that? When human beings eat, they are eating earth, in the more elaborate form of vegetables and fruit of course, but earth all the same. They swallow this earth, digest it and then eliminate it, and do this over and over again. But this does not happen quite so mechanically. The matter they absorb provides them with the elements it contains and, in return, it receives something from them, from their feelings, thoughts and aspirations.
This is why the earth is no longer the same as it was in the far distant past; it is more highly evolved, more subtle and more intelligent, because all the creatures that have come to incarnate here have worked on it. And this is how the earth will one day become luminous and crystal clear: thanks to the spirit of the people who have worked on it.*
* Related reading: