Example (your)

By working on yourself you are working on other people

February 7th 2025
If you wish to improve other people, avoid criticizing them and do not lecture them. Just start by improving yourself. Only your example will show others that they are mistaken or behaving badly. Yes, your example, because by working on yourself you are working on other people. They notice that you have qualities they lack, and in their desire to imitate you, they improve themselves.
Those who focus on the shortcomings and vices of others become dull and unpleasant, as if the faults they keep talking about had rubbed off on them, with pitiful results. So, first of all, work at improving yourself and leave others alone. Accept them as they are, be patient, and work relentlessly day and night until it is obvious to them that there are wonderful results to be achieved. Since they do not yet know this, it is not by means of your words that you will teach them, but by your example.*
* Related reading: