Its aim is to endeavour to sublimate sexual energy
December 20th 2024
Symbolically, the path of the sublimation of the sexual force goes from Yesod, passing through Tiphareth, to Kether. The highest extremity of the central pillar, the holiness of Kether, the crowned head, has its origins in the purity of Yesod, the sexual organs. The holiness of Kether is the sexual energy that disciples endeavour to sublimate, thanks to the powers of Tiphareth, until this force can manifest itself higher up, like a golden light above their head.
Yes, and that is the aim of Initiation: to be able to control a raw force that drags us downwards, make it change direction, and then work on this quintessence until it is transformed into an aura of light.*
* Related reading:
Yes, and that is the aim of Initiation: to be able to control a raw force that drags us downwards, make it change direction, and then work on this quintessence until it is transformed into an aura of light.*
* Related reading:
Daily Meditations 2024 (eBook)