The lord does not show it to us right away
July 2nd 2024
A very rich man should take care not to make his fortune too obvious to his children, because if it is, they will rely on their future inheritance and make no effort to work or learn to fend for themselves. They will become lazy and capricious, and that is the worst upbringing of all. As much as possible, parents should leave their children in ignorance of the riches that are in store for them. They should speak about it only when their children have developed good work habits and self-mastery. Not before.
That is how God treats us human beings. The Lord is the supreme educator, the most skilful teacher. He does not immediately show us signs of the wealth that awaits us on high. So we work and struggle because we think we are poor and miserable. And when, with suffering and tears, we at last prove ourselves to be worthy of our celestial inheritance, our Father shows us all the treasure He has amassed for us.
That is how God treats us human beings. The Lord is the supreme educator, the most skilful teacher. He does not immediately show us signs of the wealth that awaits us on high. So we work and struggle because we think we are poor and miserable. And when, with suffering and tears, we at last prove ourselves to be worthy of our celestial inheritance, our Father shows us all the treasure He has amassed for us.
Daily Meditations 2024 (eBook)