Like a ball that we must inflate with air: faith, hope and love
July 1st 2024
Life on earth is like a ball that has lost some of its air, and it has been like that ever since it was punctured by the first sin. Many people have tried to reflate that ball, but as soon as they manage to correct the dent on one side, it appears on the other. Why? Because there is not enough air inside the ball. So how can we solve this problem and make the ball round again?
Physical life is analogous to patching the hole in the ball, and spiritual life is analogous to pumping more air into it. So, if we organize only our material life and forget about the spiritual life, or if we think only about the spiritual side and completely neglect the material, the ball will never regain its perfect shape. From now on, each of us must begin by blowing air into our own deflated ball – our earthly existence – and this air is faith, hope and love.*
* Related reading:
Physical life is analogous to patching the hole in the ball, and spiritual life is analogous to pumping more air into it. So, if we organize only our material life and forget about the spiritual life, or if we think only about the spiritual side and completely neglect the material, the ball will never regain its perfect shape. From now on, each of us must begin by blowing air into our own deflated ball – our earthly existence – and this air is faith, hope and love.*
* Related reading:
Daily Meditations 2024 (eBook)