Inner states
Be vigilant about them to avoid being engulfed
May 11th 2024
So many people do not realize that they are sliding down a dangerous slope. Following, minor frustrations or setbacks, they sink gradually deeper into a morbid state until they are finally engulfed. Something that began as hardly more than a discomfort ends up becoming a catastrophe.
So, be vigilant about your inner states, otherwise some tiny negative element may snowball until it is an immense obstacle on your path, and you find yourself moaning, ‘It’s in my way; I cannot get round it!’ But whose fault is that? Who started this snowball in the first place? You! You have harboured all sorts of negative thoughts and feelings and allowed them to reach gigantic proportions in your head and your heart, and now you are stuck! What can you do about it? Strike a match and hold it close to the snowball, so that the heat melts it. The water will run off and irrigate your gardens and orchards and will give you an abundance of flowers and fruit. That is what you must do: light the fire of love, for love will melt all the tumours within you.*
* Related reading:
So, be vigilant about your inner states, otherwise some tiny negative element may snowball until it is an immense obstacle on your path, and you find yourself moaning, ‘It’s in my way; I cannot get round it!’ But whose fault is that? Who started this snowball in the first place? You! You have harboured all sorts of negative thoughts and feelings and allowed them to reach gigantic proportions in your head and your heart, and now you are stuck! What can you do about it? Strike a match and hold it close to the snowball, so that the heat melts it. The water will run off and irrigate your gardens and orchards and will give you an abundance of flowers and fruit. That is what you must do: light the fire of love, for love will melt all the tumours within you.*
* Related reading:
Daily Meditations 2024 (eBook)