What to do if the other person turns their back on the light
Many people love someone who, little by little, turns out to be dishonest, unjust and cruel, and then they are faced with a dilemma: must they make the effort to go on loving them or not? Of course, when you love someone, that love always has some beneficial effects on a subtle plane. On the other hand, it is never good to stick with someone who sets out on such a bad path. It is useless to devote so much time and energy to someone who is determined to turn their back on the light. The only thing that matters is your love and the quality of that love, its purity and light. If you cannot love a particular man or woman, love others, love the whole world, so that the fountain of love continues to flow. What matters most is not for whom it flows, but that it should continue to flow and that it should be pure.*
* Related reading:
Daily Meditations 2023 (eBook)