
True friends tell each other the truth

November 11th 2023

It is true that nothing is more precious than friendship,* but human beings are not always interested in having a true friend; what they are looking for is an ally, someone who will approve and encourage them, even when they behave badly. Do you know many people who want their friends to be completely sincere with them and not necessarily approve of everything they do or say? Most people feel betrayed and fly into a rage at the slightest criticism. We all know that if you want to win someone’s good opinion, you have to praise, flatter and approve of them. What with those who refuse to listen to the truth and those who have found that it is not in their interest to tell it, many people around us spend their time deceiving or being deceived. Those who truly want to evolve do not lie or try to deceive others; above all, they accept their comments and criticism. In fact, if they are truly wise, they will understand that it is useful to have enemies. Why? Because enemies can help them to advance.

* Related reading: