Liquid gold on the spiritual plane
Money is useful only on a material level. On the psychic or spiritual plane it can serve no good purpose. On these planes what is needed is light, the light that is liquid gold.* If you love the light, then you already possess gold on the spiritual plane. The more you have of this type of gold, the more you can ‘buy’ in the celestial shops – things unobtainable elsewhere, such as wisdom, love, joy, infinity and eternity. This is why the sages and the Initiates try to amass as much gold as possible on the spiritual plane, in order to enrich themselves with qualities and virtues that they can then use for the good of others. Even if they have no money in their pockets, thanks to their light, they can still draw down blessings from heaven on all around them.
* Related reading:
Daily Meditations 2023 (eBook)