
He nourishes his disciples with his light

August 24th 2023

The consciousness of an Initiate* lives in other people; this is why he can nourish them with his light from a distance. Physical food can nourish only those who eat it, and while it is true that a woman nourishes the child in her womb for a time, as soon as the child is born, it leads a separate life and has to eat for itself. On the spiritual plane, a Master has to nourish his disciples, at least to begin with. He ‘eats’ light and in eating it he nourishes his disciples. Just as a mother carries a child in her womb, a Master takes his children into his soul and consciousness to nourish them until they are capable of nourishing themselves. From then on, they will in turn be able to nourish others. Disciples are bound to their Master just as a foetus is bound to its mother; when the Master receives strength from heaven, his disciples also benefit.

* Related reading: