Lower nature

In danger of making humankind disappear

June 10th 2023

The annals of Initiatic Science mention that many humanities have already disappeared, and that some of them had a culture far more advanced than ours.* They reason they disappeared is because of the lower nature’s tendency to push beings to want to dominate and enslave everything through violence. And the fact that we see these tendencies increasingly on the rise in our societies is a very bad sign for the future of humankind. This is why it is urgent that human beings learn to put the impulses of their lower nature at the service of their higher nature. Otherwise, what is one humanity more or less to Cosmic Intelligence, which lives in eternity? So many others have disappeared, that if this one were also to disappear of its own doing, it would not make much difference to Cosmic Intelligence: it would prepare a new one with the few people remaining. It is up to us not to destroy ourselves. If we are bent on self-destruction, Cosmic Intelligence will remain impassive and leave us to it.

* Related reading: