
Treasure it in order to obtain everything the soul and spirit desire

January 22nd 2023

In both work and play, human beings spend their energies without heed, and while they are busy acquiring a few trinkets or enjoying some little pleasures here and there, their life drains away because they are not mindful of it. Many people think that the mere fact of being alive entitles them to use their life to indulge all their appetites, amass as much wealth as possible, and show off to everyone else. They draw without restraint on their vital reserves and then, when there is nothing left, they are obliged to abandon all their activities abruptly. How senseless to squander life in this way, for when it is all gone you are left with nothing! Wise men have always considered life to be the one essential.* They tell us to treasure it, to purify and sanctify it and to eliminate whatever impairs or weakens it, because it is thanks to life that we can obtain everything our soul and spirit desire: intelligence, strength, beauty, power... everything.

* Related reading: