Initiatic school allows us to rediscover universal knowledge
December 27th 2021
Without them knowing it, human beings are repositories of all the knowledge in the universe. This knowledge, which is deposited very deep inside them, lies there without moving, without vibrating, because it has not been given the conditions to do so; it therefore remains inaccessible to them for a very long time.
You may say, ‘But how can that be?’ Oh, it is a very long story. Since leaving the womb of the Eternal and descending into matter, human beings have travelled a long way through time and space. This has often amounted only to some adventures and dramatic episodes, over the course of which they experimented and gained new knowledge, but they also lost a great deal of the light and knowledge they originally possessed. Or, to be more precise, this knowledge was gradually covered by an accumulation of opaque layers. In order to regain possession of this knowledge, they require certain conditions that they can find only in an initiatic school.