Fusion with the lord
We must first purify ourselves
November 28th 2021
It is said, ‘This is eternal life that they may know You, the only true God…’ To know the Lord we must become one with Him. But fusion can take place only between objects or beings of the same essence. For example, take a small amount of mercury, and scatter it in droplets, then bring them close together again. Once again they unite to form a single drop. Now suppose that before gathering the droplets together again, you allow a little dust to fall on some of them: no matter what you do next, they will remain separate from the others.
Well, this is what happens when humans wish to unite with the Lord without having first purified themselves. As long as they remain impure, evil and dark, they cannot unite with the Creator who is all beauty, light and love. To rid themselves of the layers of impurity that are preventing this union, they must make certain sacrifices; they must learn to master themselves, to control themselves. Only on this condition can they begin to attune themselves with the divine vibrations and waves, and one day because of their pure life, they will even capture them.