
Protect it by living it in the subtle regions

August 29th 2021
At the beginning, love is always something very poetic: two people meet, they exchange a few words, and they are in heaven, inspired and creative. But as soon as this love becomes physical, they lose their sense of wonder. So many people have noticed this! Yes, they have noticed it, but they do the same thing all over again – instead of protecting their love by remaining in the subtle regions for as long as possible, they hurry to experience it in the coarsest of regions. Out of curiosity and greed, they want to descend and explore the field – and even the subterranean! Afterwards, of course, things are no longer the same. They do not love each other as much or hold each other in such admiration, as they have seen each other too often in situations that were not very aesthetic. Why do they not try to live as long as possible in the world of beauty, poetry and light?