Land of the living, the
People who manage to purify themselves can inhabit it
July 8th 2021
It is written in the Psalms, ‘I walk before the Lord in the land of the living.’ This land of the living is a state of consciousness. In a way, it is also our earth, but on the etheric plane, for the earth is not only the part that we perceive – it is also a subtle world inhabited by luminous beings, angels and divinities.
Jesus is found on this earth too. Jesus has not left the earth, because he said, ‘I am with you until the end of the age’. Of course, he left the physical earth, but he lives on the etheric, living, light-filled, divine earth. When people, here on our earth, manage to purify themselves, and raise themselves spiritually, they too begin to inhabit this land of the living and to communicate with the great Masters, the angels, the divinities and the Christ.