Moon, the
How to use the waxing or waning moon
May 30th 2021
During the waxing moon, the physical and psychic energies that nature has placed in you help you to manifest yourself as a conscious, active, and strong-willed being. Then, during the fourteen days of the waning moon, you will find that these energies tend to withdraw so as to nourish your roots, that is to say, the stomach and sexual organs. Your appetite and sensuality are heightened and you need more rest.
Since these alternations exist, we should know how to make use of them. For example, it is better not to launch a new enterprise while the moon is on the wane, for it is more likely to fail or meet with major obstacles. On the other hand, if you want to rid yourself of a weakness, a vice, a sorrow, or a mental torment, you can take advantage of this period and say, ‘As the moon wanes in the sky, so too may such and such a weakness within me wane and disappear.’ Conversely, while the moon is waxing, you can pronounce formulas to reinforce your qualities and succeed in your undertakings.