Do not cut it off from universal life
March 18th 2021
Learn to live in unison with the harmony of the cosmos, in communion with the soul of the universe, for it is in this universal life that you will find fulfilment.
Some will say that they would rather find fulfilment in love. Yes, but on condition that they do not cut their love off from universal life the way most men and women do, and seek to set themselves apart from everyone, even from heaven. If lovers try to hide, it is because they sense that their behaviour is not very proper. You will say, ‘Do you expect them to make a spectacle of themselves in public?’ Of course not. What I mean is that human beings should abandon this very narrow and selfish notion of love that leads them to isolate themselves from others and even from all the intelligent forces of heaven that gave them this love. It is a pity that they do not know how to live in harmony with the soul of the universe by giving thanks and glory to heaven, for a love in which the forces of heaven have no part already bears within itself the seeds of its own destruction.