Answers from god
Are only received by those who feel that god lives in them
July 5th 2019
God is infinite and vast, and he permeates the entire universe with his presence; each one of us is an infinitesimal part of Him. But so many people complain that God does not hear them or answer them. And they say that since he is deaf, why should they continue to turn to Him. Well no, God is not deaf, but these people have a shell so thick that his presence, light and love cannot reach them. All communication routes have been blocked by the layers of impurities they have formed with their thoughts, feelings and acts. If they work to purify themselves until their subtle bodies become receptive, the communication will one day be restored and the presence of the Divine will overwhelm them.
Just as God lives in us, we also live in God. When humans will be able to understand God in this way, they will experience his presence in them as life, energy and light that nothing can take away from them.