Land of our soul , the
On which we can already live
April 28th 2019
You may sometimes wonder whether it is so important to set yourselves a discipline in life in order to reach a higher level of consciousness, and to develop mastery, wisdom and kindness. For it takes much time and effort. Of course you can live on the earth without imposing so much effort on yourselves. It's evident every day – we can live on the earth just about anyhow. But the question is: what 'earth' do we live on then? In order to live in the land of our soul, this region where it is forever spring, we must feed our spiritual bodies.
On the earth where we presently live it is impossible to escape winter, with its cold, its clouds and rain. But through thought we can already rise up to the region of this eternal spring. And when we are able reach our higher self, nothing can ever come between us and the divine sun – we will always be enlightened, warmed and vivified.