Flame of a candle
Connects us to all that is fire in the universe
November 25th 2018
When you feel discouraged, worried or upset, light a candle, and by means of it unite yourself with all that is fire in the universe. Just as a drop of water can unite us with the entire ocean, the mere flame of a candle is enough to unite us with the sun, with cosmic fire, or with the Holy Spirit which is clothed in light.
When you light a candle, gaze at the flame until you melt into it and become yourself a flame. Reflect on the idea that the sun is fire, God is fire, the Holy Spirit is fire, and everything that surrounds us is fire. This thought will always restore your courage and your peace. If you learn to love this flame, to speak to it, gradually it will become your friend, and you will make it a habit of going to it to draw comfort, joy and inspiration.