Love is only lasting if human beings link each other to the divine source
April 4th 2018
Why is it that the love between men and women does not last? Because, instead of linking each other to the divine Source so that they may be continually renewed, they cling to one another and end up depleted. When nothing is left, they are like empty vessels and they reject each other. So think of the man or the woman you love as a precious and unique being, and realize that it is through you that they can become vibrant, beautiful and rich, provided that you link them to the Source, to the heavenly Father, the divine Mother, to all the angelic hierarchies, to the sun and the stars.
Love offers you every possibility. But if, instead of uniting the being you love to heaven, you hang on to them and drain their energy, in time they will go downhill; then your love for them will lessen, and you will suffer. But whose fault is this? You must therefore learn to project this being to great heights so that they can breathe, drink, and nourish themselves. And they must do the same for you. Then, you are no longer merely vessels, you become inexhaustible springs for one another.