
Food for our brain

January 2nd 2018
All human beings eat, drink and breathe, and in doing so they are in contact with the elements of earth, water, and air and are nourished by them. But they haven’t yet learned how to nourish themselves with the fourth element: fire, light. And yet light is even more vital than air because it feeds our brain. Yes, our brain too wants to eat, and light is its food. It is light which awakens certain faculties and enables us to access the divine world. You might say that by eating, drinking and breathing we nourish our whole body, including our brain. This is true, but as long as we are content to nourish our brain only with solid, liquid, and gaseous particles, which are not the elements we need most, many realities of the subtle words will remain unknown to us. Tradition has it that one day Zarathustra asked the God Ahura Mazda how the first man nourished himself, and Ahura Mazda replied, ‘He ate fire and drank light.’