Last sacraments, the
Their role
November 2nd 2017
If the Church has instituted what is referred to as ‘the last sacraments’ or ‘the extreme unction’ it is because the moment at which an individual leaves the earth for the other world is of vital importance. The aim is to prepare the soul for the long journey it is about to undertake. The priest or pastor tries to bring the person back to the fundamental issues: they explain it is time to look back at their life, to take stock of their errors, to repent, and to find within them the bond that unites them with the Creator. Some will think it is a little late. Yes, no doubt it is a little late, but it is not too late. Because those who leave their physical body without having prepared themselves for it, without having the faintest notion of life after death, of divine Justice, subsequently suffer greatly because they roam the dark regions of the beyond without understanding what is happening to them.
It is very bad to keep human beings in the mistaken conviction that there is nothing after death. Under the pretext of freeing them from absurd beliefs, on the contrary, they are being prepared for hardships in the other world that are far worse than those they have had to suffer on earth.