Necessary to focus your energies
October 22nd 2017
When a virtuoso interprets a piece of music, a student sits an exam or a tightrope walker performs their act, if all the energies within them were not concentrated and in harmony, the virtuoso would play false notes, the student would make mistakes and the tightrope walker would break their neck. Because as soon as there is dissipation and dissonance within, all the inner forces let go and scatter, and the person is no longer supported.
You have often experienced this type of thing, but have you ever stopped to consider how this affects the whole of life? If you give in to haste, disorder and agitation, the forces and entities of harmony within you are repressed and paralyzed. Therefore, several times a day, stop for a few minutes and try to introduce harmony within you. All the forces, all the good entities that have until then not had a chance to manifest, will then be mobilized and available to help you continue your work.