Cells of our body
A populace which observes and imitates us
June 22nd 2017
By means of gestures, words, facial expressions, and clothes, a person makes an effort to be presentable when they go out to meet others. But when they are alone at home, they let themself go, because no one can see them. But are they really alone? No, they are inhabited by an entire population, by their cells which are living and intelligent entities. This populace observes them, and its scrutiny is much more severe than that of society, because it is not impressed with their carefully studied clothes or gestures, but with who they are, deep down.
So think more often about these citizens within you because if they feel you are allowing yourself to become inwardly lazy, sensual, unstable or violent, they say, ‘Since our master is setting us this example, we are going to imitate him, and he shall see what he shall see!’ And they rebel, not only in your psychic body but also in your physical body. On the contrary, however, if you know how to set a good example for them, this community is capable of working wonders.