Whatever is sown bears fruit
June 11th 2017
Heaven does not require that people be perfect, only that they work to perfect themselves. One day everyone should be able to say, ‘Now I must sow seeds in my soul – luminous thoughts, the love of a high ideal – and I shall continue to watch over them, to warm them, water them, and nourish them with all that is best in me. I know that the universe is governed by laws, and that according to one of these laws, every seed eventually produces fruit, so I try to sow only the best seeds.’ And this is truly to have faith: to be convinced that every seed sown in the soil of your soul will bear fruit.
So, whatever religion you may belong to – Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, or any other – until you understand this universal law and apply it in your life, you do not possess faith but only beliefs, which cannot get you very far. Rather, they can take you a long way, but it is down the road of laziness, failure, discouragement, rebellion, and so on.