
Lessons to be learned

May 29th 2017
How many people who lack wisdom and experience imagine they can assume great responsibilities and qualify as authorities! And when they fail, they think they are victims, that others failed to appreciate them, understand them, or support them in their undertaking. Well, this is the worst kind of attitude. When facing their failures, people must understand that they are not yet ready to realize their ambitions. Even if they are knowledgeable or have a strong will, this is not enough. When they ought to have acted with understanding and attention, they were perhaps closed, hard, and stubborn. When they ought to have been diplomatic and self-controlled, they were perhaps awkward and impatient. Therefore, instead of making the whole world responsible for their failures, they should develop some humility and accept the fact that they have much to learn. It is only from this moment on that success and positive results will be possible for them.