It is in the interest of each individual to work for it
May 13th 2017
Human beings have a natural tendency to meet their needs and solve their problems without taking others into account, and even if it suits them, at the expense of others. Well, these are serious mistakes. For your own benefit, I will tell you that you must now decide not to work for yourself alone, but for the collective whole. Yes, it is in your own interest because you are a part of this community.
When the community improves and evolves, you benefit from these improvements. You reap the benefit because you have placed your capital in a bank called the human family or the universal brotherhood, of which you are a member. Whereas when you work for the sole benefit of yourself, nothing good happens to you. You will say, ‘But I disagree, I have been working for myself.’ No, because your separate and egotistic self is a bottomless pit which is always dissatisfied and, by working for it, you throw everything into it. You must therefore change the purpose of your work and place it very high in an ideal of universality.