A screen on which the realities of the invisible world are projected
April 24th 2017
Even if they have a good imagination, the majority of human beings do not know what this faculty really is. True imagination, such as the initiates conceive it and with which they work, is a type of screen located at the boundary between the visible and invisible worlds. On this screen are reflected objects and entities that normally escape our consciousness. In some very evolved beings that know how to direct their imagination, this screen receives and records many things that they then express and manifest. Later, we perceive that what they had thus ‘imagined’ was not pure invention on their part, but that they had captured realities which had not yet appeared on the physical plane.
All humans possess this ability to capture the realities of the invisible world, but only those who know how to work on their thoughts and feelings succeed in purifying their mental body to such a degree that their imagination becomes clear – pure and transparent – and they begin to ‘see’. At this level, imagination and vision are one.